We help with
Genomic Testing
our methodology
Genomics is the study of the genes that you carry, and their interactions with your lifestyle and environment. How long we live and even how the story of our health unfolds is not determined by any one factor. Instead, it is the complex interaction between the various genes that we inherit from both parents, and our myriad lifestyle choices.

uncover your Genomics
It is not surprising, therefore, that almost every leading cause of death is influenced by genomics. Diseases like cancer, heart disease, diabetes, asthma and lung disease, that bring deeply adverse effects on quality of life, can be traced to genomics. A study of your genomics can help drive important decisions to ensure that your plan is truly personalized to you. It negates the need for a one-size-fits-all approach to diet, exercise, and supplementation.

how we help
Genomics testing at Sydenham Clinic studies 800 variations in your genomic code, across 33 different categories. These reveal how your genes might influence cognition, heart health, inflammatory risks, obesity risks and diabetes, among others. From here, we are able to ascertain the best mitigation strategies, address your specific nutritional needs, and deploy diagnostic testing, medications and other targeted interventions, where necessary.
The Sydenham Clinic team is on hand to translate the results of your genomics test into a series of actionable plans that bring total synergy to your lifestyle across nutrition, medication, supplements, sleep, and exercise.